Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What's better: a foreclosure or a short sale?

Recently talking with a mortgage broker I was given a short but important lesson about the differences between a foreclosure and a short sale. Here are the main points:

  • A foreclosure is reported on your credit report as opposed to a short sale.
  • A foreclosure will prohibit you from buying again until you pay off any judgements and tax liens reported on your credit report and in a short sale you still have to pay off the tax allocation but it helps build your credit.
  • A foreclosure causes a psychological stigma as opposed to a short sale.

Do you have any other differences between a foreclosure and a short sale? Let us know.

1 comment:

FRANK LL0SA Va Broker- BLOG.FranklyRealty.com said...

A short sale also produces a 1099 to the seller. If the bank eats $50,000, the seller has to pay taxes on that debt forgiveness.